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  • Diabolo Siteswap Introduction

    Diabolo Siteswap Introduction

    If you’re into diabolo, then you know how exhilarating it is to discover, invent, and share new tricks and patterns. But let’s face it, sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming. Well, I have some good news for you. There’s a nifty tool called Siteswap that can make the process a whole lot easier. It’s a way to write down and share complex juggling sequences using a simple mathematical notation system. With Siteswap, you can quickly communicate and document your latest diabolo moves, making it easier to learn and share with others. So go ahead, let your creativity flow, and explore the endless possibilities of diabolo with Siteswap!

    Why did I research on diabolo siteswap?

    When I first started exploring the possibilities of diabolo siteswap, I found that the existing notation proposals that diabolists where using were limited and didn’t capture the range of movements that I was working on. That’s why I decided to adapt juggling siteswap for diabolo, discovering notation system specifically adapted for diabolo.

    The Usual Diabolo Way, which you must know from Diabology, treats the diabolo as a one-handed juggling pattern. However, when I play diabolo, I use both hands, I also go to the dark side of the string, and I even do half turns of my body while playing switch . So how can we describe all of this using a one-handed Siteswap system?

    With the Diabolo Siteswap Notation that I’m proposing, I hope to provide a common language that can help diabolists share and collaborate on new tricks and push the boundaries of what’s possible with the diabolo.

    Unifying the diabolo siteswap go beyond just the diabolo community, creating a common ground with other juggling disciplines, like balls, clubs and rings. This can help jugglers from different backgrounds and specialties collaborate and learn from each other.

    Whether you’re a PRO, a seasoned diabolo performer or just starting out, mastering Diabolo Siteswap can open up a world of possibilities and connect you to a broader juggling community. In the following section, I’ll share more about my journey and the inspiration behind my research.

    Teaser video of Diabolo Siteswap

    Check out this short demo video to see Diabolo Siteswap in action!

    Why saying “3 Diabolos Low” is just the beginning

    When we say that we juggle with five balls we suppose that we juggle the normal cascade (5). However, we can juggle five balls like a shower (91) or a half-shower (73), etc. The same goes for the diabolo. When we say that we achieved 3 Diabolos Low nowadays we know what it means but how many ways exist for juggling 3 Diabolos Low? If you go deep into this siteswap it becomes obvious that juggling has no limits.

    All the siteswap patterns that I propose for the diabolo are only a few samples of what is actually possible and should not be mistaken for the only way to do it – there exists an infinity of different diabolo-patterns.

    You can download Juggling Lab, which I have modified to include diabolos, from the bottom of this site. With this software, you can have fun while learning the concepts discussed on this site.

    Important points to keep in mind when juggling diabolos

    1. The diabolos spend very little time in our “hands”, so the dwell time is quite low.
    2. When referring to throws made with the string, we assume that half of the string is on the right and the other half is on the left. However, the hand that generates the throw could be the other hand or both.
    3. When juggling diabolos, we can think of the string as a surface where we can control the time that the diabolo spends (similar to table juggling). To indicate when the diabolo is on the string, we use bouncing notation and put an “F” after the number that we throw (_F).
    4. While we usually catch and throw the diabolo using the string, we can also catch it with our hands.
  • Basic Notation Omitting the Sticks [Classic Diabolo Way]

    Basic Notation Omitting the Sticks [Classic Diabolo Way]

    This notation is essentially a translation of the bouncing ball notation applied to diabolo. We will use the common understanding that when the diabolo is on the string, it behaves as if it’s on a controlled surface, similar to how a ball behaves when rolled on a table or bounced on the ground.

    Asyncronich Notation

    0 . Nothing inside of the string.

    1 . The diabolo goes directly from one side of the string/hand to the other.

    2 . Retention of the diabolo in the string, stick, or hand.

    3 . The diabolo goes through the air from one side of the string/hand to the other and it spends in the air the time of three ones.

    4. The diabolo is thrown to the same side of the string and it spends in the air the time of four ones.

    5. The diabolo goes on the air from one hand to the other and it spends in the air the time of five ones.

    6.  The diabolo is thrown to the same side.


    Syncronich Notation

    In the syncronic notation we throw and catch the diabolos simultaneously and we must write de siteswap in between brackets like that (left throw, rigth throw).  Also in the syncronic notation we do not use odd numbers. We put an x after the number to say that that throw crosses.

    To explain this notation I will write only the throws of the left hand.

    (2,0) . The diabolo stays in one side of the string.

    (2x,0) . The diabolo goes from one hand to the other through the air.

    (4,0) . The diabolo is thrown to the same side of the string and it spends in the air the time of four ones.

    (4x,0). The diabolo goes from one side of the string to the other by the air.


    Specific notation for the string

    B —  Bounce the throw off the floor. The format is to put as many B’s as you want bounces, followed by the style of the bounce:

    BL or L for lift bouncing

    BF or F for force bouncing

    BHL or HL  for hyperlift bouncing (for a description of hyperforce/hyperlift bouncing, see this discussion on rec.juggling)

    BHF or HF for hyperforce bouncing

    Usually we will use BF or F because when we recive the diabolo from the air, we force it to enter in the string but there are some patterns where it is useful only to use B, like in the 3 diabolos Low Cascade.

    You can find more information about the specific notation here

    Asinch String Notation for the string [ _F ]

    1F . Diabolo goes from one side of the string to the other.

    2F . Retention of the diabolo in the string.

    3F .   The diabolo goes by the string from one hand to the other and it spends in the string the time of four ones.

    4F .  Retention of the diabolo in the string and it spends in the string the time of four ones..

    5F .  Retention of the diabolo in the string and it spends in the string the time of four ones..


    Sinch String Notation for the string ( _F )

    (2xF,0) . The diabolo goes from one hand to the other by the string (2 Diabolo Low Synch rythm, or the Diabolo that goes on the rope in High)

    (2xF,0) . The diabolo goes from one hand to the other by the string (2 Diabolo Low Synch rythm, or the Diabolo that goes on the rope in High)

    (4F,0). Diablo goes from one side of the string to the other by the string. ( 3 Diabolo Synch Low Rythm)

    (4xF,0).  Diablo goes from one side of the string to the other by the string. ( 3 Diabolo Synch Low Rythm)


    *** Folowing you can see some examples ***

    *** All the examples are done with JugglingLAB ***

  • 1 Diabolo

    1 Diabolo


    1D Orbits → Siteswap = 3F00300
    1D |423| → Siteswap = 3F004000


    1D Slow Sun → Siteswap = 3003F00
    1D Quick Sun → Siteswap = 1T1F

    We can mix Slow and Fast suns and do “3001F” or “13F00”, that is usefull with 2 or more diabolos.

  • 2 Diabolos Asynch

    2 Diabolos Asynch

    2D Low Asynch Siteswaps

    This asynchronous 2 diabolos low shuffle pattern, 13F, highlights the fundamental timing and positioning for two diabolos. The 31F is a more active pattern and harder to accomplish.

    2D Low Asynch SitesWap . 13F
    2D Low Asynch SitesWap . 31F

    2D High Asynch Siteswaps

    In the 53F00 pattern, we observe increased height and varied timing, showcasing a high asynchronous shuffle. Most people, when starting to practice two diabolo high patterns, do 7001F, where the diabolo moves along the string faster, becoming a higher pattern that is more difficult to maintain.

    2D HIGH Asynch SitesWap . 53F00
    2D HIGH Asynch SitesWap . 7001F

    2D Asinch State Transitions [stairs]

    2 Diabolos Transitions Asynch for the SitesWap
    2D Transitions Asynch for the SitesWap

    Transitioning between states and patterns with 2 diabolos is crucial for learning new tricks. There are many transitions, so you can move directly from one pattern to another by knowing the correct sequence.

    These transitions require fluidity and precision. Just as each step leads seamlessly to the next, moving between diabolo states demands smooth movement and timing.

    I’ve created a transitions table to help you practice. Download it and get started.

    Diabolo Siteswap | labs.troposfera.xyz by Dídac Gilabert | 2D_Asinch_Transitions

    Download the Diabolo Transitions Cards

  • 3 Diabolos Asynch

    3 Diabolos Asynch

    There’s a wide array of asynchronous patterns with 3 diabolos, each reflecting different styles and personalities. These patterns involve intricate timing and figures, demanding adaptability and finesse to juggle them effectively. Which pattern aligns best with your style? And which is harder for you to do but will mean a lot to consolidate?

    3D Low Asynch Siteswaps

    This asynchronous low shuffle pattern, 33F, highlights the fundamental timing and positioning for three diabolos. The 15F is a more active pattern and harder to accomplish.

    3D Low Asynch Siteswap . 15F
    3D Low Asynch Siteswap . 33F

    3D Medium Asynch Siteswaps

    The 7005F pattern transitions from low to high throws, demonstrating a mix of heights in an asynchronous shuffle.

    3D Low Asynch Siteswap . 51F
    3D Low-High Asynch Siteswap . 7005F

    3D High Asynch Siteswaps

    In the 93F00 pattern, we observe increased height and varied timing, showcasing a high asynchronous shuffle. Most people, when starting to practice three diabolo high patterns, do b001F, where the diabolo moves along the string faster, becoming a higher pattern that is more difficult to maintain.

    3D High Asynch Siteswap . 93F00
    3D High Asynch Siteswap . b001F

    3 Diabolos State Transitions [stairs]

    3D Transitions Asynch for the SitesWap

    Transitioning between states and patterns wiht 3 diabolo is essential for learning new tricks. There are a lot of transitions, so you can go from each patern to another directly, is only about to know the correct transition patern.

    This transitions require fluidity and precision. Just as each step leads seamlessly to the next, moving between diabolo states demands smooth movement and timing.

    So I made a transitions table so you can know how to transition between patterns, download it and practice.

    Diabolo Siteswap | labs.troposfera.xyz by Dídac Gilabert | 3D_Asinch_Transitions

    Download the Diabolo Transitions Cards

    Other Trikcs 3 diabolo tricks

    3D Feed the Sun Sitewswap. 5223F
    3D “42” Sitewswap. 53F13F
    3D Low minicolums Sitewswap. 4440
  • 3 Diabolos Synch

    3 Diabolos Synch

    3 Diabolo Synch Low

    This synchronous low shuffle pattern features (4xF,2x), emphasizing foundational timing and positioning for three diabolos.

    3D low Synch Siteswap . (4xF,2x)
    3D low Synch Siteswap . (2xF,4x)

    3 Diabolo Synch Medium

    Transitioning between (0,6x)(6xF,0), this pattern showcases a blend of heights and complexities in synchronous juggling.

    3D Low-High Synch Siteswap . (0,6x)(6xF,0)

    3 Diabolo Synch High

    With (4xF,8x)(0,0), this high synchronous pattern highlights increased throws and varied timing, challenging even experienced jugglers.

    3D High Synch Siteswap . (4xF,8x)(0,0)
    3D High Synch Siteswap . (0,ax)(2xF,0)
  • 4 Diabolos Asynch (basics)

    4 Diabolos Asynch (basics)


    4 Diabolos Low Asynch → Siteswap = 35F
    4D Low Asynch → Siteswap = 35F
    4 Diabolos  Low Asynch → Siteswap = 53F
    4D Low Asynch → Siteswap = 53F
    4 Diabolos Low-High Asynch → Siteswap = b005F
    4D Low-High Asynch → Siteswap = b005F
    4 Diabolos High Asynch → Siteswap = d3F00
    4D High Asynch → Siteswap = d3F00
  • Download Asynch Diabolo transitions Cards

    Diabolo siteswap transition cards offer a structured and systematic way to practice transitions, making it an ideal option fo jugglers to take their skills to the next level. 

    So, if you are interested in improving your diabolo juggling, consider obtaining a set of diabolo siteswap transition cards.

    Some State Transitiosn From the Cards [enjoy them]

    Here you can see some examples
    *** The Transition is underlined ***

    3D Synch “Normal” Transitions Siteswaps . (6x,4xF) (8x,0)(ax,0)(0,2xF) (8x,0)(0,4xF)(0,0)(4x,4xF)(0,4xF) (2x,4xF)
    3D Asynch “Normal” Transitions Siteswaps . 93F00 75F000 3F33F 72

    Other useful transitions

    Cascade Transitons

    3D Synch Cascades Transitions Siteswaps . (6x,0)(0,6x)(6x,0)(0,6x)(6xF,0)(0,6xF)(6xF,0)(0,6xF)

    3 diabolos Asinch-Sinch transitions

    3DTransition Asynch to Synch Siteswap . 33B 2x3F (4xF,2x) (4xF,3)
  • Complex Notation including the Sticks [Useful for 1 Diabolo Tricks]

    In this kind of notation we will mostly use multiplex throws because when we are juggling with diabolos we have to accept that the sticks are in our hands, and when we throw or catch the diabolo in the string we have to keep the stick in the hand.

    We will consider the string like a surface where we can control the time that the diabolo is there (like when we do table juggling).

    We have to realise that the sticks are attached by the string.

    In the simulation we will use balls as sticks because is easier to see it in the simulator.

    This siteswap works like balls siteswap so please read the section “Simple Two Hands Diabolo Siteswap” to understand the meaning of the numbers.

    In addition to the “Simple Two Hands Diabolo Siteswap” now we have multiplex throws

    [32]  3 is what the diabolo will do, 2 is what the stick will do.

    By the way, we will see some simple examples that will help you to understand what I’m talking about.

    1D Orbits . [3F2]22[32]22
    1D “423” siteswap . [3F2]22[42]222
  • Replacing Stick Waiting Times for Throws

    To explain this we will use the following pattern [62]22222[3F2]22, and we will only look at the 22222 wait times.

    Siteswap . [62]22222[3F2]22
    Siteswap . [62]42022[3F2]22

    22222 is a pattern of 2 objects that has 5 throws, which can be replaced by other notations with the same mean, for example 42022, 31222, 23122, etc.

    2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2  = 10   ›     10/5 = 2

    4 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2  = 10   ›     10/5 = 2

    3+ 1 + 2 + 2 + 2  = 10   ›     10/5 = 2

    Siteswap = [62]31222[3F2]22
    Siteswap = [62]23122[3F2]22

    We have to take into account if we use consecutive numbers in reverse order, such as 32 or 402, in these cases we will receive the sticks at the same time in the same hand, or if we throw a stick that is received after the diabolo has to be picked up with rope.

  • Throwing Sticks While the Diabolos is on the String

    The most important thing in this kind of tricks is that we release the stick and then “throw” the Diabolo at the same time (for example when we do a suicide).

    With this kind of notation we can write suicides, genocides, etc..

    I will write some siteswap examples here but it is very difficult to do a good representation of the string trajectories on the JugglingLab Simulator. You can see some video examples after the gif animations sto understand it better.

    1D One side Suicide Siteswap . [3F4]20 [32]22
    1D Sucide Changing Sticks siteswap . [3F3]12 [32]22
  • How to Use JugglingLab for Diabolist

    Enter your Patern:

    Put 6 throws per second

    Select CUSTOM in HANDS MOVEMENT and enter that value

    For Right Handeds

    For Left Handeds

    Chose image as an object.

    Custom configuration